Solved: Washing Machine Will Not Agitate But Will Spin and Drain – Causes and Working Fixes

If your washing machine is not spinning, but will agitate and drain, it could be that any of the many parts of the washing machine has failed.

One of the most common reasons why your washing machine will not agitate but instead will drain and spin is that your washer is broken.

When you’re looking around for what the problem is, you may have to get a little creative.

While it’s difficult to pinpoint exactly what’s going wrong, I recommend doing some troubleshooting as soon as you get your unit home.

All it takes most of the time is a repair job.

If your washing machine is not agitating, then there are some things to check. One of the common reasons for this problem is a clogged drain.

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Washing Machine Will Not Agitate But Will Spin and Drain Causes

If you have a broken agitator in your washing machine, transmission failure, worn out or broken drive block, bad drive belt, u-joint failure, failed timer, damaged lid switch, damaged motor or motor

A Broken Agitator

The agitator is what agitates and moves your clothes around in a washing machine.

If the parts of the agitator in your washing machine wear out or get damaged, it will not agitate but will spin and drain.

Transmission Failure

The transmission is what helps the agitator move back and forth.

Hence, if the transmission fails, the agitator won’t move at all

Worn Out or Broken Drive Block or Bell

The drive block connects the washer transmission to the agitator.

If there is a problem with the transmission, the engine may move back and forth, or not at all. The agitator is usually stationary.

Bad Drive Belt

Your washing machine drive belt should be changed at two to three year intervals because it is likely to wear out.

If the drive belt is worn out, the agitator might not be working as well.

U-joint Failure

The main drive mechanism in a washing machine is the U-joint.

If it is damaged, the agitator will not work. It is, however, a very expensive component

Most people prefer to buy a new machine.

A Failed Timer

The timer has an inverted effect on the agitator.

The agitator is connected to the drive motor which indirectly connects to the shaft,

It turns the motor on or off.

A failed timer is useless.

Damaged Lid Switch

If the lid switch fails mechanically or electrically, the washer won’t agitate.

This is because it triggers the wash cycle. When you close the machine’s lid, the lid switch is what signals the washer to agitate once activated.

Bad Drive Motor or Motor Coupling

The motor is what makes the agitator move back and forth.

Faulty parts will not drive the transmission, and therefore, no agitation.

The motor coupling, on the other hand, connects the motor to the transmission.

If the motor coupling fails, then the machine won’t work as well.

Washing Machine Will Not Agitate But Will Spin and Drain Fixes

Before you attempt to diagnose or fix anything on your washing machine, remove the power cord.

Your multimeter is needed to detect the problem in some of the parts mentioned above.

It’s because they are unlikely to be visibly defective.

Note that a replacement is usually the only solution.

Fix 1

You can test for continuity of the power connection by using a multimeter.

If there is no continuity in the story, you have to change the sentence.

Fix 2

To get your transmission repaired, run a wash cycle to see if it is the source of the problem.

If it makes a strange sound or is loud, you should replace it.

Check the input shaft inside the agitator, if it turns while the agitator does not, the transmission must be replaced.Q:

Fix 3

The drive belt can also be inspected. After opening the door to the drive motor, locate the drive belt and disconnect it from the drive motor by removing the clamps holding it in place.

Check for any signs of damage such as burning, fraying, or wear.Q:

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Any of these would be a deal-breaker for me. I need to avoid anything that has any of these characteristics.

Fix 4

To start the engine, first use a multimeter to test for continuity. If there’s a connection, then start the engine.

This sentence should give you a reading of zero or approximately so.

If you run the motor on the bench using a multimeter to test for ground connection, you should not measure any resistance.

In the event that you get any variations from these, the motor has to be replaced.

If something is damaged, check the part(s) for damage. Then, decide if a new part is required.

If it seems too much work, you can just hire a professional to do it for you.