How To Fix MineCraft Opengl Error 1281 [100% Working]

When playing Minecraft, a pertinent error message is the OpenGL error 1281 (invalid value). The Minecraft OpenGL error is common in the game and can be fixed in simple, easy steps.

This article is crafted with exact methods and procedures to help you rectify and fix Minecraft
OpenGL errors.

What Causes OpenGL Error 1281 to Occur?

There are a couple of reasons why OpenGL error 1281 (invalid value) occurs in Minecraft. The
The following items listed below are responsible for Minecraft OpenGL error:

  • Mods
  • Graphics settings and
  • Graphics card drivers

Any one of the three (3) components itemized above can return OpenGL error 1281.

I have provided solutions and procedures to correct this Minecraft error and get your game
working perfectly again.

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How To Fix OpenGL Error 1281

Disable Mods

Minecraft OpenGL mods are often used by most gamers to enjoy a better gaming experience.
Even though these mods are great (I enjoy playing games with mods), they conflict with the
original Minecraft game.

Should a mod cause errors, it is only wise to disable the mods to fix the OpenGL error 1281.

You may have to disable the mods one after the other to detect which mod is causing the error.
If after disabling all the mods the OpenGL error persists, then you are sure the cause of the
error is not a mod.

In this case, enable your mods and head on to other steps which I have listed below.

Disable GL Errors Display

There is an option that allows you to disable the display of GL error 1281 in your Minecraft
game options.

You can stop Minecraft OpenGL error from displaying by following these steps:

  • Launch Minecraft and click on “Options”
  • On the Options menu, click on “Video Settings” and then “Others”
  • You will see Show GL Errors, click to turn it off
  • Click on Save and relaunch Minecraft

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Graphics Card Update

Minecraft OpenGL error 1281 can also be caused by a missing or an outdated graphics card
driver. To fix OpenGL error 1281 when a graphics card driver is the issue is to solve it, update
your graphics card driver.

You can update your graphics card driver the easy way or the hard way. Well, the hard way is
for you to visit the website of the manufacturer of your video card and look for the latest update
of the driver for your computer.

Once you get it, download and install it on your computer. This is the hard way because you
would need to have some patience and computer skills to do this.

The easy way is to download the software Driver Easy. This software automatically detects your
computer system and identifies the exact driver for it.

You do not need to sweat it to detect the right driver for your system or how to download and
install it with Driver Easy.

Here’s how to use Driver Easy:

  • To begin, you will need to download and install the software
  • Open the software and click on “Scan Now”
  • The scan will help you identify the faulty drivers in your system by flagging them
  • You will see the Update button next to the flagged graphics card. Click on the button and it will automatically download the respective card(s)

If you are using the pro version of Driver Easy, you can click on the Update All button and it will
download updated versions of the graphics cards.

When this is done, launch Minecraft and if the OpenGL error 1281 persists, then try the next
correction step.

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Java Update

Just so you know, Minecraft was developed using Java. When you download and install
Minecraft, some Java files are included in the download.

Java is a programming language used to create applications and games. Once these files get
missing or outdated, Minecraft OpenGL error 1281 may occur.
To correct this anomaly, you would need to uninstall Minecraft and install the latest Minecraft

OptiFine Update

Sometimes, OptiFine may be the cause of the Minecraft OpenGL error. If you are using OptiFine
mod then it could probably be the cause of the OpenGL error 1281.

OptiFine is a mod used by gamers to boost frame per second (FPS) and enhance game
performance in Minecraft. Updating OptiFine should be considered when trying to fix the
Minecraft OpenGL mod error.

Visit the OptiFine download page to get the latest version of the software.
Download it and follow the on-screen instructions to finish installing. When you are done with
the installation, restart your computer and launch Minecraft.

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Any of the five (5) solutions listed above should help you fix OpenGL error 1281 (invalid value)
in Minecraft. Take out time to try out each solution as they are tested and proven to help you fix GL error 1281. If you encounter any further difficulty, feel free to let me know via the comment section and I would be happy to assist you. Cheers to a wonderful gaming experience.