League of Legends is a very popular online battle arena game for mobile.
In this game, you’ll take on the role of an elite agent tasked with killing everyone who gets in your way.
There are different types of champions. Champions have special abilities and 3 regular abilities.
This game is quite amazing but there are other mobile games like League of Legends for Android and iOS users that you’ll love to try.
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Best Mobile Games like League of Legends for Android and iOS
1. ARENA OF VALOR – Best Games like League of Legends for Mobile
If you’re really looking for mobile games like League of Legends for Android and iOS, then Arena of Valor should be the first on your list.
It’s an online multiplayer battle arena (MOBA) game.
Your main goal is to destroy the enemy’s core.
Arena of Valor has 3 modes, namely; Abyssal Clash, Grand Battle, and Valley Skirmish.
You get to control characters called Heroes and each of them has their special abilities.
This game is so much fun, with so many awesome features. I had a blast playing it.
2. THE WITCHER BATTLE ARENA – Best Free Online Games Like League of Legends No Download
If you’re looking for another game like DOTA 2, where the players battle each other in groups of three and fight for their survival, this one is for you.
Some of the characters will not be unlocked at the same time.
At the start of the game, you’ll receive three free characters.
The outstanding graphics and fun gameplay will capture your interest the moment you see it.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the perfect game for any touch screen device! I guess that’s why it fits to be on this list of mobile games like League of Legends for Android and iOS.
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3. VAINGLORY – Best Online Games like League of Legends
Tag-team duels are a great way to enjoy your favorite sports action in a fun-filled, fast-paced game.
Each team is assigned an avatar known as a Hero.
You’re going to destroy the Vain crystal in your enemy’s base and the enemy’s turret, your main objective.
If you want to level up your heroes faster, there are in-app purchases that can help you do that.
Some items have to be purchased with real money.
4. HEROES ARENA – Best Free Games Like League of Legends
It’s quite similar to the previous game in that the two teams are going to battle against each other.
The game features a wide variety of characters, each with their own set of skills.
There are tons of cool skills to learn but you’ll have to unlock them one by one.Q:
Your job is to try as much as possible to destroy the enemy’s tower and make them not reach yours first.
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If you think that Heroes Arena is not a very original game, I’ll give you the answer to that.
5. HEROES EVOLVED – Best Single Player Games like League of Legends
All the games on this list are fairly similar to each other, but they’re not all the same.
Heroes evolved is all about defending your base, while you aim at destroying the enemy’s base.
Your character’s unique ability will come in handy when fighting the enemy.
Get your skills up-to-date by doing as much as possible.
It’s intriguing game modes as well as its awesome visuals are features that make it worthy to be a mobile game like League of Legends for mobile users.
6. DUNGEON HUNTER CHAMPIONS – Best Games to Play If You Like League of Legends
This one’s called Clash Royale, and it’s a combination of MOBA and RPG! It’s pretty cool, right?
In this book you’ll begin with one character, but as you progress you’ll unlock dozens of awesome characters.
You can play this online or offline, so there’s plenty of room for you to join in.
The best way to acquire a weapon is to summon it. You can acquire champions as rewards for completing missions, but the major way to acquire weapons
You get to battle dozens of monsters while completing quests, keeping yourself and your team members alive, and defeating those who have crossed your path.
7. DOTA 2 – Best Browser Games like League of Legends
DOTA 2 is a strategy game that involves two teams of five players each. In the game, the team that kills its opponent’s hero first wins the round.
In this book, you’ll learn about the history of the game, how to learn and play, the different skills and roles, and more.
In this game – 2 teams consist of 5 players – each player controls a character and each team must try to attack the enemy’s base while defending theirs.
To become a successful hero, your heroes must upgrade their skills, which can be done by acquiring Experience points and looting items.
People play online games every day. Why not you? It’s fun and free!
Its gameplay is addictive, so you might give it a try.
This is definitely the best list of mobile games like League of Legends for Android and iOS.
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